Papers by Finnur Lárusson

with links to journals
These files are provided for the non-commercial, personal, academic use of individual mathematicians. Any other use requires explicit permission. Those papers that have already appeared in print may be protected by copyright.
55. Every projective Oka manifold is subelliptic,
by Franc Forstnerič and Finnur Lárusson, February 2025.

54. Isotopies of complete minimal surfaces of finite total curvature,
by Antonio Alarcón, Franc Forstnerič, and Finnur Lárusson, June 2024.

53. Dynamics of generic automorphisms of Stein manifolds with the density property,
by Leandro Arosio and Finnur Lárusson, March 2023.

52. Regular immersions directed by algebraically elliptic cones,
by Antonio Alarcón and Finnur Lárusson, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal), to appear.

51. A strong parametric h-principle for complete minimal surfaces,
by Antonio Alarcón and Finnur Lárusson, Journal of Geometric Analysis, to appear.

50. Oka-1 manifolds: New examples and properties,
by Franc Forstnerič and Finnur Lárusson, Mathematische Zeitschrift, to appear.

49. The space of Gauss maps of complete minimal surfaces,
by Antonio Alarcón and Finnur Lárusson, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze (5) 25 (2024) 669–688.

48. Equivariant Oka theory: Survey of recent progress,
by Frank Kutzschebauch, Finnur Lárusson, and Gerald W. Schwarz, Complex Analysis and its Synergies 8 15 (2022).

47. Holomorphic Legendrian curves in projectivised cotangent bundles,
by Franc Forstnerič and Finnur Lárusson, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 71 (2022) 93-124.

46. Dynamics of generic endomorphisms of Oka-Stein manifolds,
by Leandro Arosio and Finnur Lárusson, Mathematische Zeitschrift 300 (2022) 2467-2484.

45. Holomorphic Legendrian curves in CP3 and superminimal surfaces in S4,
by Antonio Alarcón, Franc Forstnerič, and Finnur Lárusson, Geometry and Topology 25 (2021) 3507-3553.

44. Gromov's Oka principle for equivariant maps,
by Frank Kutzschebauch, Finnur Lárusson, and Gerald W. Schwarz, Journal of Geometric Analysis 31 (2021) 6102-6127.

43. Generic aspects of holomorphic dynamics on highly flexible complex manifolds,
by Leandro Arosio and Finnur Lárusson, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 199 (2020) 1697-1711.

42. Approximation and interpolation of regular maps from affine varieties to algebraic manifolds,
by Finnur Lárusson and Tuyen Trung Truong, Mathematica Scandinavica 125 (2019) 199-209.

41. The parametric h-principle for minimal surfaces in R^n and null curves in C^n,
by Franc Forstnerič and Finnur Lárusson, Communications in Analysis and Geometry 27 (2019) 1-45.

40. Chaotic holomorphic automorphisms of Stein manifolds with the volume density property,
by Leandro Arosio and Finnur Lárusson, Journal of Geometric Analysis 29 (2019) 1744-1762.

39. The Oka principle for holomorphic Legendrian curves in C^{2n+1},
by Franc Forstnerič and Finnur Lárusson, Mathematische Zeitschrift 288 (2018) 643-663.

38. An equivariant parametric Oka principle for bundles of homogeneous spaces,
by Frank Kutzschebauch, Finnur Lárusson, and Gerald W. Schwarz, Mathematische Annalen 370 (2018) 819-839.

37. Representing de Rham cohomology classes on an open Riemann surface by holomorphic forms,
by Antonio Alarcón and Finnur Lárusson, International Journal of Mathematics 28 (2017) 1740004 (12 pages).

36. Algebraic subellipticity and dominability of blow-ups of affine spaces,
by Finnur Lárusson and Tuyen Trung Truong, Documenta Mathematica 22 (2017) 151-163.

35. Sufficient conditions for holomorphic linearisation,
by Frank Kutzschebauch, Finnur Lárusson, and Gerald W. Schwarz, Transformation Groups 22 (2017) 475-485.

34. Homotopy principles for equivariant isomorphisms,
by Frank Kutzschebauch, Finnur Lárusson, and Gerald W. Schwarz, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 369 (2017) 7251-7300.

33. Extending holomorphic maps from Stein manifolds into affine toric varieties,
by Richard Lärkäng and Finnur Lárusson, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 144 (2016) 4613-4626.

32. An Oka principle for equivariant isomorphisms,
by Frank Kutzschebauch, Finnur Lárusson, and Gerald W. Schwarz, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal) 706 (2015) 193-214.

31. Absolute neighbourhood retracts and spaces of holomorphic maps from Stein manifolds to Oka manifolds,
by Finnur Lárusson, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143 (2015) 1159-1167.

30. Oka properties of groups of holomorphic and algebraic automorphisms of complex affine space,
by Franc Forstnerič and Finnur Lárusson, Mathematical Research Letters 21 (2014) 1047-1067.

29. Proper holomorphic immersions in homotopy classes of maps from finitely connected planar domains into CxC*,
by Finnur Lárusson and Tyson Ritter, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 63 (2014) 367-383.

28. Holomorphic flexibility properties of compact complex surfaces,
by Franc Forstnerič and Finnur Lárusson, International Mathematics Research Notices 2014 3714-3734.

27. The homotopy-theoretic viewpoint. Appendix by Finnur Lárusson, pp. 798-804, in:
Oka manifolds: From Oka to Stein and back,
by Franc Forstnerič, Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse (série 6) 22 (2013) 747-809.

26. Plurisubharmonic subextensions as envelopes of disc functionals,
by Finnur Lárusson and Evgeny A. Poletsky, Michigan Mathematical Journal 62 (2013) 551-565.

25. Deformations of Oka manifolds,
by Finnur Lárusson, Mathematische Zeitschrift 272 (2012) 1051-1058.

24. Survey of Oka theory,
by Franc Forstnerič and Finnur Lárusson, New York Journal of Mathematics 17a (2011) 11-38.

23. Applications of a parametric Oka principle for liftings,
by Finnur Lárusson, in Complex analysis, pp. 205-211, refereed volume in honour of Linda P. Rothschild, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, 2010.

22. What is an Oka manifold?
by Finnur Lárusson, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 57 (2010) 50-52.

21. Affine simplices in Oka manifolds,
by Finnur Lárusson, Documenta Mathematica 14 (2009) 691-697.

20. Siciak-Zahariuta extremal functions, analytic discs and polynomial hulls,
by Finnur Lárusson and Ragnar Sigurdsson, Mathematische Annalen 345 (2009) 159-174.

19. Schlicht envelopes of holomorphy and foliations by lines,
by Finnur Lárusson and Rasul Shafikov, Journal of Geometric Analysis 19 (2009) 373-389.

18. Dessins d'enfants and differential equations,
by Finnur Lárusson and Timur Sadykov, St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 19 (2008) 1003-1014. Originally published in Algebra i Analiz 19 (2007), no. 6, 184-199. Abridged version: A discrete version of the Riemann-Hilbert problem, Russian Mathematical Surveys 63 (2008) 973-975; in Russian: Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 63 (2008) 193-194.

17. Siciak-Zahariuta extremal functions and polynomial hulls,
by Finnur Lárusson and Ragnar Sigurdsson, Annales Polonici Mathematici 91 (2007) 235-239.

16. Mapping cylinders and the Oka Principle,
by Finnur Lárusson, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 54 (2005) 1145-1159.

15. The Siciak-Zahariuta extremal function as the envelope of disc functionals,
by Finnur Lárusson and Ragnar Sigurdsson, Annales Polonici Mathematici 86 (2005) 177-192.

14. Model structures and the Oka Principle,
by Finnur Lárusson, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 192 (2004) 203-223.

13. The third Cauchy-Fantappiè formula of Leray,
by Cezar Joita and Finnur Lárusson, Michigan Mathematical Journal 51 (2003) 339-350.

12. Excision for simplicial sheaves on the Stein site and Gromov's Oka principle,
by Finnur Lárusson, International Journal of Mathematics 14 (2003) 191-209.

11. Plurisubharmonicity of envelopes of disc functionals on manifolds,
by Finnur Lárusson and Ragnar Sigurdsson, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal) 555 (2003) 27-38.

10. Holomorphic functions of slow growth on nested covering spaces of compact manifolds,
by Finnur Lárusson, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 52 (2000) 982-998.

9. Plurisubharmonic extremal functions, Lelong numbers and coherent ideal sheaves,
by Finnur Lárusson and Ragnar Sigurdsson, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 48 (1999) 1513-1534.
Erratum (May 2001), Indiana University Mathematics Journal 50 (2001) 1705.

8. Compact quotients of large domains in complex projective space,
by Finnur Lárusson, Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Grenoble 48 (1998) 223-246.
Note (August 2007). Parts of Section 3 of this paper rely on an example due to M. Kato of a Blanchard manifold of type A. Kato has announced that the example is incorrect; in fact, in a preprint to appear in Tokyo J. Math., he and K. Komada prove that Blanchard manifolds of type A do not exist. This makes redundant the remark following Proposition 1.7, the discussion following Theorem 3.4, Theorem 3.5, Example 3.7, and Proposition 3.8.

7. Convexity of sublevel sets of plurisubharmonic extremal functions,
by Finnur Lárusson, Patrice Lassere, and Ragnar Sigurdsson, Annales Polonici Mathematici 68 (1998) 267-273.

6. Plurisubharmonic functions and analytic discs on manifolds,
by Finnur Lárusson and Ragnar Sigurdsson, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal) 501 (1998) 1-39.

5. Holomorphic neighbourhood retractions of ample hypersurfaces,
by Finnur Lárusson, Mathematische Annalen 307 (1997) 695-703.

4. A Wolff-Denjoy theorem for infinitely connected Riemann surfaces,
by Finnur Lárusson, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 124 (1996) 2745-2750.

3. The Martin boundary action of Gromov hyperbolic covering groups and applications to Hardy classes,
by Finnur Lárusson, International Journal of Mathematics 6 (1995) 601-624.

2. An extension theorem for holomorphic functions of slow growth on covering spaces of projective manifolds,
by Finnur Lárusson, Journal of Geometric Analysis 5 (1995) 281-291.

1. Parabolic exhaustions and analytic coverings,
by Finnur Lárusson, Mathematische Zeitschrift 215 (1994) 415-435.

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