Recent Publications of Mathai Varghese
Archived preprints:
- Twisted K-homology and twisted Ext-theory,(with
I.M. Singer),
preprint 2000, 20 pages. [hep-th/0012046]
Verlinde modules and quantization,
28 pages,
Witten Genus and Elliptic genera for proper actions,
(with Fei Han), 29 pages,
- The ring structure of twisted equivariant
KK-theory for noncompact Lie
groups (with Alex Chi-Kwong Fok) 35 pages
- Exotic Courant algebroids and T-duality (with J. Crilly) 16 pp
- T-Duality, Jacobi Forms and Witten Gerbe Modules (with Fei Han)
23 pp [2001.00322]
- Positive scalar curvature and an equivariant Callias-type index theorem
for proper actions (with Hao Guo and Peter Hochs)
38 pp [2001.07336]
- Fractional Quantum Numbers, Complex Orbifolds and Noncommutative Geometry
(with Graeme Wilkin) 18 pp
- On the Chern character in higher twisted K-theory
and spherical T-duality (with Lachlan MacDonald and Hemanth Saratchandran)
39 pp
- T-duality and the exotic chiral de Rham complex
(with A. Linshaw) 28 pp
Very recent refereed publications (2014-)
Exotic Twisted Equivariant K-Theory, (with Fei Han)
Journal of Geometry and Physics
(to appear) 19 pages,
- Coarse geometry and Callias quantisation (with Hao Guo and Peter Hochs)
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (to appear)
47 pp [1909.11815]
- Equivariant Callias index theory via coarse geometry
(with Hao Guo and Peter Hochs), Annales de l'Institut Fourier
(to appear) 47 pp.
Positive scalar curvature metrics via end-periodic manifolds,
(with M. Hallam) Annals of K-theory
Vol. 5 (2020), No. 3, 639-676
Proof of the magnetic gap-labelling conjecture for
principal solenoidal tori
(with M. T. Benameur), Journal of Functional Analysis
278 (2020) 108323, 8 pp,,
- The Riemann-Roch theorem on higher dimensional complex noncommutative
tori (with J. Rosenberg) Journal of Geometry and Physics,
147 (2020) 103534, 9 pp,
Projective Elliptic genera and Elliptic Pseudodifferential genera,
(with Fei Han) Advances in Mathematics
358, (2019), 106860 25 pp
Fractional quantum numbers via complex orbifolds
(with Graeme Wilkin), Letters in Mathematical Physics
109 no. 11 (2019) 2473-2484
Topological phases on the hyperbolic plane:
fractional bulk-boundary correspondence
(with G. C. Thiang),
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
23 no. 3 (2019) 803-840,
Positive scalar curvature and Poincaré duality for proper actions,
(with Hao Guo and Hang Wang), Journal of Noncommutative Geometry,
13 no.4 (2019) 53 pp
Gap-labelling conjecture with non-zero magnetic field, (with M-T. Benameur)
Advances in Mathematics
325, (2018) 116-164,
Spherical T-duality and the spherical Fourier-Mukai transform
(with P.Bouwknegt and J.Evslin),
Journal of Geometry and Physics,
133 (2018), 303-314,
T-duality simplifies bulk-boundary correspondence: the noncommutative case
(with K. Hannabuss and G. C. Thiang),
Letters in Mathematical Physics,
108, no. 5 (2018) 1163-1201,
- T-duality in an H-flux: exchange of momentum and winding,
(with Fei Han)
Communications in Mathematical Physics,
363, no. 1 (2018) 333-350.
T-duality of singular spacetime compactifications in an H-flux
(with A. Linshaw), Journal of Geometry and Physics,
129, no. 7 (2018) 269-278,
Geometry of Pseudodifferential algebra bundles
and Fourier Integral Operators
(with R.B. Melrose), Duke Mathematical Journal
166 no.10 (2017) 1859-1922,
Group dualities, T-dualities, and twisted K-theory, (with J. Rosenberg)
Journal of the London Mathematical Society,
97, no. 1 (2018) 1-23,,
Differential topology of semimetals,
(with G. C. Thiang),
Communications in Mathematical Physics,
355, no. 2,(2017) 561-602.
Global topology of Weyl semimetals and Fermi arcs,
(with G. C. Thiang),
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (Letter)
50 no. 11 (2017) 11LT01, 11pp

publicity at JPhys+
Quantising proper actions on Spinc-manifolds
(with P. Hochs),
Asian Journal of Mathematics,
21 no. 4 (2017) 631-686,
T-duality simplifies bulk-boundary correspondence:
some higher dimensional cases
(with G.C. Thiang),
Annales Henri Poincare,
17 no. 12 (2016) 3399–3424,
T-duality trivializes bulk-boundary correspondence:
the parametrised case
(with K. Hannabuss and G. C. Thiang),
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics,
20 no. 5 (2016)
Formal geometric quantisation for proper actions
(with P. Hochs),
Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures,
11, no.3, (2016) 409-424,
T-duality simplifies bulk-boundary correspondence
(with Guo Chuan Thiang),
Communications in Mathematical Physics,
345 no. 2, (2016) 675-701
Spin manifolds and proper group actions,
(with P. Hochs), Advances in Mathematics,
292 (2016) 1-10,
Spectral sections, twisted rho invariants and positive scalar curvature
(with M-T. Benameur),
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry,
9, no. 3, (2015) 821-850,
T-duality and topological insulators
(with Guo Chuan Thiang),
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (Fast Track Communication)
48 (2015) no. 42, 42FT02, 10pp,
publicity at IOPSCIENCE
Geometric quantization and families of inner products
(with P. Hochs), Advances in Mathematics,
282 (2015) 362-426,
Twisted Chiral De Rham Complex, Generalized Geometry, and T-duality
(with A. Linshaw),
Communications in Mathematical Physics,
339, No. 2, (2015) 663-697,
Spherical T-duality,
(with P.Bouwknegt and J.Evslin),
Communications in Mathematical Physics,
337, No. 2, (2015) 909-954.
Higher abelian gauge theory associated to gerbes on noncommutative deformed
M5-branes and S-duality (with H. Sati),
Journal of Geometry and Physics,
92 (2015) 240-251,
Spherical T-duality II: An infinity of spherical T-duals for
non-principal SU(2)-bundles
(with P.Bouwknegt and J.Evslin),
Journal of Geometry and Physics,
92 (2015) 46-54
Exotic twisted equivariant cohomology of loop spaces, twisted
Bismut-Chern character and T-duality
(with F.Han),
Communications in Mathematical Physics,
337, No. 1, (2015) 127-150.
T-duality for circle bundles via noncommutative geometry
(with J. Rosenberg),
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics,
18, no. 6
(2014) 1437-1462,
Index type invariants for twisted signature complexes and homotopy invariance
(with M-T. Benameur),
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,
156 no.3 (2014) 473-503,
Refereed publication list (2008-2013; for ERA 2015)
Conformal invariants of twisted Dirac operators and positive scalar curvature
(with M-T. Benameur), Journal of Geometry and Physics,
70 (2013) 39-47,
Erratum, Journal of Geometry and Physics,
76 (2014) 263-264.
Holomorphic Quillen determinant line bundles on integral compact Kahler
(with R. Dey), The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics,
Quillen memorial issue, 64 (2013), 785-794
T-duality of current algebras and their quantization
(with P. Hekmati), Contemporary Mathematics,
584 (2012) 17-38,
Nonassociative strict deformation quantization of C*-algebras and
nonassociative torus bundles
(with K. Hannabuss), Letters in Mathematical Physics,
102, No. 1 (2012), 107-123,
Topology and Flux of T-Dual Manifolds with Circle Actions
(with S. Wu),
Communications in Mathematical Physics,
316 (2012) 279-286.
Bundle gerbes and moduli spaces
(with P. Bouwknegt and S. Wu),
Journal of Geometry and Physics,
62 (2012) 1-10,
Analytic torsion for twisted de Rham complexes,
S. Wu), Journal of Differential Geometry,
88 (2011) 297-332,
Operator algebra quantum homogeneous spaces of universal gauge groups,
(with S. Mahanta), Letters in Mathematical Physics,
97 (2011) 263-277.
Parametrised strict deformation quantization of
C*-bundles and Hilbert C*-modules,
(with K. Hannabuss), Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society,
90 no. 01 (2011) 25-38,
Analytic torsion of Z2-graded elliptic complexes,
(with S. Wu), Contemporary Mathematics,
546 (2011) 199-212.
A noncommutative sigma-model,
(with J. Rosenberg),
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry,
5 no 2 (2011) 265-294,
- C*-algebras in tensor categories,
(with P. Bouwknegt and K. Hannabuss),
Clay Mathematics Proceedings,
12 (2010) 127-165.
Geometric quantization for proper actions
(with W. Zhang),
Advances in Mathematics,
225 no.3 (2010) 1224--1247.
Noncommutative principal torus bundles via parametrised
strict deformation quantization,
(with K. Hannabuss),
AMS Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics,
81 (2010) 133-148,
Twisted Analytic Torsion (with S. Wu),
Science China Mathematics,
53 no. 3 (2010) 555-563
The index of projective families of elliptic operators: the decomposable case,
(with R.B. Melrose and I.M. Singer),
328 (2009) 255-296.
The geometry of determinant line bundles in noncommutative geometry
(with P. Chakraborty),
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry,
3 no.4 (2009) 559-578.
Harmonic Cheeger-Simons characters with applications
(with R. Green),
Journal of Geometry and Physics,
59 no.5 (2009) 663-672.
T-Duality as a Duality of Loop Group Bundles,
(with P. Bouwknegt), Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. (Fast Track Communications),
42 no.16 (2009) 162001, 8 pages,
Noncommutative correspondences, duality and D-branes in bivariant K-theory
(with J. Brodzki, J. Rosenberg and R. Szabo),
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics,
13 no. 2 (2009) 497-552.
D-branes, KK-theory and
duality on noncommutative spaces
(with J. Brodzki, J. Rosenberg and R. Szabo),
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
103 (2008) 012004,
13 pages.
Equivariant and fractional index of projective elliptic operators, (with
R.B. Melrose and I.M. Singer),
Journal of Differential Geometry,
78 no.3 (2008) 465-473.
D-Branes, RR-Fields and Duality on Noncommutative Manifolds
(with J. Brodzki, J. Rosenberg and R. Szabo),
Communications in Mathematical Physics,
277, no.3 (2008) 643-706.
Some earlier refereed publications (since 1997)
T-duality in type II string theory via noncommutative geometry and beyond,
in "Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Spacetime in Physics",
Proceedings of the 21st Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial Symposium,
Edited by N. Sasakura and S. Watamura,
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement,
171, (2007) 237-257.
Entire cyclic homology of stable continuous trace algebras, (with
Danny Stevenson), Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society,
39 no. 1 (2007) 71-75 , [math.KT/0412485]
Fractional Analytic Index, (with
R.B. Melrose and I.M. Singer),
Journal of Differential Geometry,
74 no. 2 (2006) 265-292.
On mysteriously missing T-duals, H-flux and the T-duality
(with J. Rosenberg),
pages 350-358, in "Differential Geometry and Physics",
editors Mo-Lin Ge and Weiping Zhang,
Nankai Tracts in Mathematics, Volume 10,
World Scientific 2006.
Quantum Hall effect and noncommutative geometry,
(with A. Carey
and K. Hannabuss), Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics,
6 (2006) 16-37,
Flux compactification on projective spaces and the S-duality puzzle,
(with P. Bouwknegt, J. Evslin, B. Jurco and H. Sati),
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics,
10 no. 3 (2006) 345-394
Yang-Mills theory for bundle gerbes
(with D. Roberts), Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General,
39 no. 20 (2006) 6039-6044.
Nonassociative tori and applications to T-duality
(with P. Bouwknegt and K. Hannabuss),
Communications in Mathematical Physics,
264 no. 1 (2006) 41-69
pages 246-254, Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics,
Editors: J. P. Francoise, G. Naber and S. T. Tsou, Elsevier, 2006.
Heat kernels and the range of the trace on completions of twisted group algebras
(with appendix by I. Chatterji), Contemporary Mathematics, 398
(2006) 321-346.
Kato's inequality and asymptotic spectral
properties for discrete magnetic Laplacians
(with J. Dodziuk), Contemporary Mathematics, 398
(2006) 69-81. [math.SP/0312450]
Towards the fractional
quantum Hall effect: a noncommutative geometry perspective,
(with M. Marcolli),
"Noncommutative Geometry and Number Theory".
Editors C.Consani, M. Marcolli, Aspects of Mathematics, Vieweg Verlag,
Wiesbaden, 2006,
pages 235-261.
On a generalized
Connes-Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg theorem, (with
Danny Stevenson), Advances in Mathematics,
200 no. 2 (2006) 303-335. [math.KT/0404329]
Arithmetic properties of eigenvalues of
generalized Harper operators on graphs,
(with J. Dodziuk and S. Yates), 28 pages,
Communications in Mathematical Physics,
262 no. 2 (2006) 269-297.
T-duality for torus
bundles with H-fluxes
via noncommutative topology, II: the high-dimensional case
and the T-duality group
(with J. Rosenberg),
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics,
10 no. 1 (2006) 123-158.
T-duality for principal torus
bundles and dimensionally reduced Gysin sequences
(with P. Bouwknegt and K. Hannabuss),
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics,
9 no. 5 (2005) 749-773.
L2-torsion without the determinant
and extended L2 cohomology,
(with M. Braverman, A. Carey and M. Farber), Communications in
Contemporary Mathematics,
7 no. 4 (2005) 421-462.
Equivalence of spectral projections in
semiclassical limit and a vanishing theorem for higher traces in
Y. Kordyukov and M.A. Shubin), J. Reine
Angew. Math. (Crelle Journal),
581 (2005) 193 - 236.
The index of projective families of elliptic
operators, (with
R.B. Melrose and I.M. Singer), Geometry and Topology,
9 (2005) 341-373. [math.DG/0206002]
T-duality for torus bundles via noncommutative
(with J. Rosenberg),
Communications in Mathematical Physics,
253 no. 3 (2005) 705-721.
T-duality: Topology Change from H-flux,
(with P. Bouwknegt and J. Evslin), Communications in Mathematical
249 no. 2 (2004) 383 - 415 [hep-th/0306062]
On the Topology and Flux of T-Dual Manifolds
(with P. Bouwknegt and J. Evslin), Physical Review Letters,
92, 181601 (2004) [hep-th/0312052]
T-Duality for principal torus bundles,
(with P. Bouwknegt and K. Hannabuss), Journal of High Energy
03 (2004) 018, 10 pages, [hep-th/0312284]
Some relations between twisted K-theory and E8
theory (with H. Sati), Journal of High Energy Physics,
03 (2004) 016, 21 pages, [hep-th/0312033]
Type I D-branes in an H-flux and twisted
(with M.K. Murray and D. Stevenson), Journal of High Energy Physics,
11 (2003) 053, 23 pages, [hep-th/0310164]
Approximating L2-invariants and the
Atiyah conjecture
(with J. Dodziuk, P. Linnell, T. Schick and S. Yates),
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics,
56, no. 7, (2003), 839-873.
Chern character in twisted K-theory: equivariant
holomorphic cases, (with D. Stevenson), Communications in
Physics, 236,
no. 1 (2003), 161-186.
The Novikov conjecture for low degree cohomology
classes, Geometriae Dedicata, (to appear).
Approximating Spectral invariants of Harper
operators on graphs II,
(with T. Schick and S. Yates), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,
131, no. 6 (2003), 1917-1923.
Twisted K-theory and K-theory of bundle
gerbes,(with P.
Bouwknegt, A. Carey, M. Murray and D. Stevenson), Communications in
228, no. 1, (2002) 17-49.
Semiclassical asymptotics and gaps in the
spectra of
magnetic Schrödinger operators (with M. Shubin), Geometriae
91, no. 1, (2002) 155-173.
Approximating spectral invariants of Harper
operators on graphs
(with S. Yates), J. Functional Analysis,
188 (2002), no. 1, 111--136.
Twisted index theory on good orbifolds,II:
fractional quantum
numbers, (with M. Marcolli) Communications in Mathematical
Physics, 217, no.1 (2001) 55-87.
On positivity of the Kadison constant and
noncommutative Bloch
theory, Tohoku Mathematical Publications, 20 (2001)
D-Branes, B-Fields and twisted K-theory (with
P. Bouwknegt),J. High Energy Phys., 03
(2000) 007 (11 pages).
Correspondences, von Neumann algebras and
L2 torsion (with A. Carey and M. Farber), Canadian
Journal of Mathematics , 52, (2000) no. 4,
- Quantum Hall effect on the hyperbolic plane in
the presence of
disorder (with A. Carey,
K. Hannabuss),Lett. Math. Phys., 47
(1999) 215-236.
K-theory of twisted group C*-algebras
and positive
scalar curvature, Rothenberg Festschrift, Contemporary
Mathematics, 231(1999) 203-225.
Discrete Morse Theory and extended L2
S. Yates), J. Functional Analysis, 168
(1999) 84-110.
Twisted index theory on good orbifolds, I:
noncommutative Bloch
theory (with M. Marcolli),Communications in Contemporary
Mathematics, 1 (1999) 553-587.
On analytic torsion over C* algebras
A. Carey and A. Mishchenko), Banach Center
Publications, 49 (1999) 43-67.
L2 invariants on covering spaces, Geometric
analysis and Lie theory in mathematics and physics,
eds. A. Carey, M. Murray, Australian
Math. Soc. Lecture Series
No. 11,pp. 209-242, Cambridge University Press
Quantum Hall Effect on the hyperbolic plane(with
A. Carey, K.
Hannabus and P. McCann), Communications in Mathematical
Physics, 190 No. 3 (1998) 629-673.
On the homotopy invariance of L2
torsion for
covering spaces (with M. Rothenberg), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,126
Von Neumann spectra near the spectral gap(with
A. Carey,
T. Coulhon and J. Phillips),Bulletin des Sciences
Mathematiques, 122 (1998) 203-242.
Approximating L2 invariants for
amenable covering
spaces: a combinatorial approach (with J. Dodziuk), J. Functional Analysis,154
(1998) 1-21.
Von Neumann algebra invariants of Dirac
operators,J. Functional Analysis, 152 (1998)
Equivariant holomorphic Morse inequalities: a
heat kernel
proof (with S. Wu), J. Differential Geometry, 46
(1997) 78-98.
Determinant Lines, Von Neumann algebras and L2
torsion(with A. Carey and M. Farber),J. Reine
Angew. Math. (Crelle Journal), 484 (1997)
Approximating L2 invariants for
amenable covering
spaces:a heat kernel approach (with J. Dodziuk),Contemporary
Mathematics, 211 (1997) 151-167.
Homotopy invariance of Novikov-Shubin invariants
L2 Betti numbers (with J. Block and
S. Weinberger),Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125
(1997) 3757-3762.
to Mathai's Webpage.