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Pulling back differential forms

We have seen that if $ f \colon M \to N$ is a smooth map then it has a derivative or tangent map $ T_x(f)$ that acts on tangent vectors in $ T_xM$ by sending them to $ T_{f(x)}N$. Moreover $ T_x(f)$ is linear. Recall that if $ X \colon V \to W$ is a linear map between vector spaces then it has an adjoint or dual $ X ^* \colon W^* \to V^*$ defined by

$\displaystyle X^*(\xi)(v) = \xi(X(v))

where $ \xi \in W^*$ and $ v \in V$. Notice that $ X^*$ goes in the opposite direction to $ X$. So we have a linear map called the cotangent map

$\displaystyle T^*_x(f) \colon T_{f(x)} N \to T_x M

which is just the adjoint of the tangent map. It is defined by

$\displaystyle T^*_x(f)(\omega)(X) =\omega(T_x(f)(X).

This action defines a map on differential forms called the pull-back by $ f$ and denoted $ f^*$. if $ \omega \in \Omega^k(N)$ then we define $ f^*(\omega) \in \Omega^k(M)$ by

$\displaystyle f^*(\omega)(x)(X_1, \dots, X_k)
= \omega(f(x))(T_x(f)(X_1), \dots, T_x(f)(X_k))

for any $ X_1, \dots, X_k$ in $ T_xM$.

Notice that if $ \phi$ is a zero form or function on $ N$ then $ f^{-1}(\phi) = \phi \circ f$. The pull back map

$\displaystyle f^{*} \colon \Omega^{q}(N) \to \Omega^{q}(M).

satisfies the following proposition.

Proposition 5.4   If $ f \colon M \to N$ is a smooth map and $ \omega$ and $ \mu$ is a differential form on $ N$ then:
$ df^{*}(\omega) = f^{*}(d\omega)$, and
$ f^{*}(\omega \wedge \mu) = f^{*}(\omega) \wedge f^{*}(\mu)$.

Proof. Exercise. $ \qedsymbol$

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Michael Murray