Past News and Updates |
[ 2011.08.12 ] Student Vistor from Thailand
At present Mr Kanes Sumetpipat from Mahidol University, Thailand is a student visitor until November 2011. He is working with members of the Nanomechanics Group on the possible equilibrium configurations of spheroidal fullerenes in carbon nanotubes.
[ 2011.08.08 ] Visiting to France

(left to right) Dr. Victoria Tishkova, Dr. Pascal Puech, Prof. Wolfgang Bacsa
(left to right) Prof. Rivathi Bacsa, Prof. Jim Hill, Prof. Wolfgang Bacsa
On a recent visit to France, Professor Jim Hill spent two weeks working with colleagues at CEMES (CRNS, Toulouse) giving a seminar on the nanomechanics activities on the 8th July. The first photograph shows three colleagues from CEMES (Dr Victoria Tishkova, Dr Pascal Puech and Professor Wolfgang Bacsa) while the second photograph shows Professor Jim Hill with the husband wife team Professor Rivathi Bacsa (Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination du CNRS, ENSIACET, Toulouse) and Professor Wolfgang Bacsa. The first photograph shows in the background the now defunct but originally the world's first equivalent of the electron microscope opened in 1959 by President Charles de Gaulle.
[ 2011.08.05 ] Exchange with New Zealand

We have sent a PhD Student, Olumide O. Adisa, to New Zealand for an exchange study from 13 June to 29 July 2011. He presented two talks at the Industrial Research Limited (IRL) and learned LAMMPS, which is a Molecular dynamics simulation software.
[ 2011.05.13 ] 2D Barcode in our group
We have 2D barcodes on our website now! You don’t need to type the web site address (URL) on your smart phone or tablet such as windows mobile phone, android tablet or iPad from your small screen.
Now, you just need to use your smart phone or tablet to read the 2D barcodes by barcode reader such as 2D Sense, ScanLife, QuickMark etc. and then the web site address will appear on your phone or tablet. (You can try the above image.)
The 2D barcodes could also be your business card and can save your data in the barcode. If you want to try, you can go to “members” page to see more 2D barcodes.
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[ 2011.04.11 ] New Subject in Mathematical Sciences
Are you intreset to study nanoscience or nanotechnology?
If you say yes, this is a big chance to study this topic in mathematic. Whatever course you are studying such as undergraduate or postgraduate course, this subject is also suitable for you.
Nanoscience is a new multidisciplinary field at the nexus of physics, chemistry and engineering. Materials and systems that may be very well understood
at the macroscale can often exhibit surprising phenomena at the nanoscale. This course will introduce you to the mathematical descriptions of some of these
phenomena and the processes and techniques of developing models in this emergent field Topics covered are: the basic geometry of nanostructures; the continuum
approach to calculating the intermolecular interaction potential utilizing special functions (such as gamma, beta, hypergeometric and generalized hypergeometric
functions of two variables); applying the continuum approach to nested nanostructures and nano-oscillators; a least squares approach to modelling the joining
of nanostructures; a calculus of variations approach to modelling the joins between nanostructures; the polyhedral model for carbon nanotubes and related structures.
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[ 2011.03.04 ] Mathematical modelling in nanotechnology

Professor Jim Hill gave a public lecture in The University of Adelaide.
Time: 15:10
Date: 4th March 2011 (Fri)
Location: Innova 21, Conference Room 7.15
Topic: Mathematical modelling in nanotechnology
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[ 2011.02.17 ] International Conference AMN-5, Wellington, New Zealand

(left to right) Dr. Richard K. F. Lee, Prof. James M. Hill, Mr Olumide Adisa, Dr. Barry J. Cox
Our group went to the Fifth Internetal Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (AMN-5) which was holden on 7-11 February 2011 in Wellington, New Zealand.
Prof. James M. Hill gave an oral presented on "Modelling the diffusive growth of fullerenes and carbon nanotubes".
Dr. Barry J. Cox gave an oral presented on "Forced double-walled nanotube oscillators".
Dr. Richard K. F. Lee gave an oral presented on "Designing of bucky shuttle memory device".
Mr Olumide Adisa gave a poster presented on "Encapsulation of methane molecules into SWNT bundles".
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[ 2010.09.25 ] Summer Research Scholarships
Six-week research projects are available in nanotechnology for continuing undergraduate students who have completed at least two years of their program at a standard acceptable for admission to Honours.
Student could choose the one of four topics, "Nanoscaled oscillating systems", "Geometries and geometric issues of nanostructures", "Modelling methane storage using nano-bottles" or "Mathematical modelling on nanomechanics".
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[ 2010.07.01 ] Nanomechanics Group @ Adelaide
Professor James M. Hill leads the nanomechanics group at the University of Adelaide in many different areas in nanotechnology, such as nanocomputing, drug delivery, gas separation and storage.