IGA Lecture Series

IGA Lecture Series 2012

There will be several distinguished IGA Lecturers spread throughout the year, who will give lecture series on current topics of intense international interest in Geometry and its Applications.

For the IGA Lecturers in 2013, click here.
For the IGA Lecturers in 2011, click here.
For the IGA Lecturers in 2010, click here.

Ugo Bruzzo (International School for Advanced Studies, SISSA)

Geometry of Supermanifolds

He will be speaking at the IGA/AMSI Workshop, Geometry of Supermanifolds

5 lectures (2 hours each), 15-19 October, 2012. The lectures will be held in conference room 7.15, Level 7, Ingkarni Wardli building, University of Adelaide.

Lecture 1: Background: graded algebras, sheaf theory, cohomology

Lecture 2: Categories of supermanifolds

Lecture 3: Geometry of supermanifolds

Lecture 4: Super Riemann surfaces

Lecture 5: Applications to physics

Ittay Weiss (University of the South Pacific)

Dendroidal Sets

4 lectures (2 hours each), 12-15 June, 2012. The lectures will be held in room B17, Ingkarni Wardli building, University of Adelaide.

Session 1: Introduction to operads

Session 2: Introduction to dendroidal sets

Session 3: Introduction to Quillen model structures

Session 4: Dendroidal sets in the theories of \infty-operads, of connected spectra, and of n-fold loop spaces

Rajesh Gopakumar (Harish-Chandra Research Institute, India)

Mathematical Aspects of Dualities in String Theory

He will be speaking at the IGA/AMSI Workshop, The Mathematical Implications of Gauge-String Dualities

5 lectures (2 hours each), 5-9 March, 2012. The lectures will be held in conference room 7.15, Level 7, Innova 21 building, University of Adelaide.

Lecture 1: What are Gauge-String Dualities?

Lecture 2: From Knots to Counting Curves

Lecture 3: From Gauge Theories to String Theories

Lecture 4: What is the Simplest Gauge-String Duality?

Lecture 5: Dualities for 2d CFTs

Jonathan Rosenberg (University of Maryland, USA)

Mathematical Aspects of Dualities in String Theory

He will be speaking at the IGA/AMSI Workshop, Dualities in Field Theories and the Role of K-Theory

10 lectures (1 hour each), 19-23 March 2012. The lectures will be held in conference room 7.15, Level 7, Innova 21 building, University of Adelaide.

  • The basic idea of dualities in field theories and T-duality

  • K-Theory and its relevance to physics

  • Basics of C*-algebras and crossed products

  • Continuous-trace algebras and twisted K-theory

  • The topology of T-duality and the Bunke-Schick construction

  • T-duality via crossed products

  • Problems presented by S-duality

  • The AdS/CFT correspondence and problems it raises

  • KR-theory and some KR calculations

  • T-duality for orientifolds and applications of KR-theory

  • © 2012 Last changed 2012/12/29
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