Recent Administrative activity
2013, Member, appointment committee for a 3-year lecturership
position (level B), University of Adelaide.
2013, Member, appointment committee for a 3-year lecturership
position (level B), University of Adelaide.
2013, Member, appointment committee for a continuing lecturership
position (level C), University of Adelaide.
2013, Member, appointment committee for a continuing lecturership
position (level B), University of Adelaide.
- 2012 - 2016, Editor in charge of
the new section,
Global Analysis,
Noncommutative Geometry, and the Mathematics of String Theory,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,
Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
(ERA Journal Ranking = A)
We welcome the
submission of well written papers
(of length not exceeding 15 pages)
new and significant results in either Global Analysis, Noncommutative Geometry,
or the Mathematics of String Theory, to be considered for publication in PAMS.
2011, Member, appointment committee for a continuing professorship
position (level E), University of Adelaide.
2011, Chair, AustMS Gavin Brown Prize Selection Committee. Call
nominations in 2011.
(N. Trudinger and X. Wang selected in 2011)
2011, Member, appointment committee for a continuing lecturership
position (level B), University of Adelaide.
2010, Guest Editor for two special issues,

Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
(ERA Journal Ranking = B)
The special issues are the proceedings of the MPIM conference,
Geometry and Quantum Field Theory,
June 20-26, 2010, to mark the occasion of Alan Carey's 60th birthday.
2010, Member, Advisory Board, Gazette of the AustMS.
2010, Member, appointment committee for a permanent professorship
position (level E), University of Adelaide.
2009- Director,
Institute for Geometry and its Applications (IGA),
University of Adelaide.
2006 - 2009, Vice-President (Annual Conferences),
Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS).
2006 - 2009, Member of the Steering Committee, AustMS.
2006 - 2009, Member of the
Council of the AustMS.
2007, Member of the program committee for the AustMS annual conference,
Latrobe University, Melbourne.
2008, Convenor of the Oz program committee for the 7th
Australia - New Zealand Mathematics Convention, Christchurch, NZ.
2009, Member of the program committee for the AustMS annual conference,
UniSA, Adelaide.
2010, Member of the program committee for the AustMS annual conference,
University of Quuenland, Brisbane.
2009, Chair of the selection committee for the
Mahler Lecturer. (Terry Tao)
- 2008 - 2012, Editor in charge of
the new section,
Global Analysis,
Noncommutative Geometry, and the Mathematics of String Theory,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,
Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
(ERA Journal Ranking = A)
We welcome the
submission of well written papers
(of length not exceeding 15 pages)
new and significant results in either Global Analysis, Noncommutative Geometry,
or the Mathematics of String Theory, to be considered for publication in PAMS.
2008 - 2010, Ozreader for the ARC.
2008, Member of the appointment committee for a permanent (level B) position,
University of Adelaide.
2007, Member of the selection committee for the
Mahler Lecturer. (Mark Kisin)
2007, Member of the selection committee for the
AustMS medal.
2005, Member of the appointment committee for a permanent (level C) position,
University of Adelaide.
2001, Intreader for the ARC.
to Mathai's Webpage.