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Vector fields and derivations.

Let us now define derivations of $ C^\infty(M)$.

Definition C.1   A derivation of $ C^\infty(M)$ is a linear map

$\displaystyle D \colon C^\infty(M) \to C^\infty(M)

such that

$\displaystyle D(fg) = D(f) g + f D(g).

A vector field $ X$ gives rise to a derivation $ f \mapsto X(f)$ and using the previous Lemma we have

Proposition C.1   Every derivation arises from a vector field.

Proof. Let $ D$ be a derivation. Then note that for any $ x$ $ f \mapsto D(f)(x)$ is a derivation at $ x$. Hence there is a tangent vector $ X(x)$ such that $ D(f)(x) = X(x)(f)$ for all $ x$. We have to check that $ X(x)$ depends smoothly on $ x$. But if we choose local co-ordinates $ \psi$ as in the proof above and extend them to global functions $ \psi$ then we have

$\displaystyle X(x) = \sum_{i=1}^n D(\psi^i)(x) {\frac{\partial\phantom{\psi^i}}{\psi^i}}(x)

but $ D(\psi)$ is a smooth function so by ?? $ X(x)$ is smooth. $ \qedsymbol$

The advantage of thinking of a vector field as a derivation is that derivations have a natural bracket operation. If $ D$ and $ D'$ are two derivations then a simple calculation shows that $ [D, D']$ defined by

$\displaystyle [D, D'] (f) = D(D'(f)) - D'(D(f)).

is also a derivation. So we can define the bracket of two vector fields $ X$ and $ Y$ and called the Lie bracket $ [X, Y]$. To calculate $ [X, Y]$ we apply it to $ \psi^i$ then we have

$\displaystyle [X, Y](\psi^i) = X(Y(\psi^i)) - Y(X(\psi^i))

so that if

$\displaystyle X = \sum_{i=1}^n X^i \frac{\partial\phantom{\psi^i}}{\psi^i}


$\displaystyle Y = \sum_{i=1}^n Y^i \frac{\partial\phantom{\psi^i}}{\psi^i}

so that

$\displaystyle [X, Y](\psi^i) = \sum_{j=1}^n X^j\frac{\partial Y^i}{\partial \psi^j}
- Y^j\frac{\partial X^i}{\partial \psi^j}.


$\displaystyle [X, Y] = \sum_{i, j=1}^n (X^j\frac{\partial Y^i}{\partial \psi^j}...
...\frac{\partial X^i}{\partial \psi^j}) \frac{\partial\phantom{\psi^i}}{\psi^i}.

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Michael Murray