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Tensor products

If $ V $ and $ W$ are finite dimensional vector spaces then the Cartesian product $ V \times W$ is naturally a vector space called the direct sum of $ V $ and $ W$ and denoted $ V\oplus W$. The tensor product is a more complicated object. To define it we start by defining for any set $ X$ the free vector space over $ X$, $ F(X)$. This is the set of all maps from $ X$ to $ \mathbb{R}$ which are zero except at a finite number of points. We define the vector space structure by adding and scalar multiplying maps. Each $ x$ gives rise to a function $ \Delta(x)$ which is one at $ x$ and zero elsewhere. We therefore have a map $ \Delta\colon X \to F(X)$. By construction the span of the image of $ \Delta$ is all of $ F(X)$.

The special property of the free vector space over $ X$ is the following.

Proposition D.1   Let $ f \colon X \to U$ be any map from $ X$ into a vector space $ U$ then there is a unique linear map $ \hat f F(X) \to U$ such that $ \hat f \circ \Delta = f$.

Proof. The general element of $ F(X)$ is

$\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^n a_i \Delta(x_i)

for $ a_i \in
\mathbb{R}$. We define

$\displaystyle {\hat f}(\sum_{i=1}^n a_i \Delta(x_i)) = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i f(x^i).

$ \qedsymbol$

Given two vector spaces $ V $ and $ W$ we can define $ F(V \times W)$. This is an infinite dimensional vector space. We shall denote $ \Delta((v, w))$ by $ \Delta(v, w)$. Consider the subspace $ Z$ defined as the span of all elements of the form

$\displaystyle \Delta(\lambda v +\mu v',w) -
\lambda \Delta(v,w)- \mu \Delta(v',w)


$\displaystyle \Delta(v, \lambda w +\mu w') -
\lambda \Delta(v,w) - \mu \Delta(v,w')

for any real numbers $ \lambda$ and $ \mu$ and vectors $ v,v' \in V$ and $ w, w' \in W$. Let us denote

$\displaystyle V\otimes W= F(V\times W)/Z

and define a map

$\displaystyle \otimes \colon V\times W \to V \otimes W


$\displaystyle v\otimes w = \Delta(v,w) + Z.

We have

Proposition D.2   The map $ \otimes \colon V\times W \to V \otimes W $ is bilinear.

Proof. We check the first factor only

\begin{displaymath}\begin{split}(\lambda v + \mu v') \otimes w = & \Delta(\lambd...
...,w)+ Z)\\  =& \lambda v \otimes w + \mu v'\otimes w \end{split}\end{displaymath}    

$ \qedsymbol$

From Proposition D.1 we know that any map $ f \colon V \times W \to U$, where $ U$ is a vector space extends to a map $ \hat f \colon F(V \times W) \to U$. Standard linear algebra tells us that we can take the quotient to get a map $ \tilde f\colon V \otimes W \to U$ if $ \hat f(Z) = 0$. The map is defined by $ v\otimes w \to f(v, w)$. For example if $ v^* \in V^*$ and $ w^* \in W^*$ then $ v \otimes w \to v^*(v)w^*(w)$ defines a linear map from $ V \otimes W \to

Let $ \{v^1, \dots, v^n\}$ be a basis of $ V $ and $ \{ w^1, \dots, w^m\}$ be a basis of $ W$. Consider the set of $ mn$ vectors $ v^i\otimes w^j$ in $ V \otimes W$. We wish to show that they form a basis. First we check that they span the space $ V \otimes W$. As the elements of $ V \otimes W$ are finite linear combinations of elements of the form $ v\otimes w$ it suffices to show that these are all in the span of the vectors $ v^i\otimes w^j$. But this follows from the bilinearity. If $ v = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i v^i $ and $ w = \sum_{j=1}^m b_j w^j$ then

$\displaystyle v\otimes w = \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^m a_ib_j v^i\otimes w^j.

To show that they are linearly independent assume that

$\displaystyle 0 = \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^m a_{ij} v^i \otimes w^j.

Let $ v_i^*$ and $ w_j^*$ be the dual bases of $ V^*$and $ W^*$. That is $ v_i^*(v^j) = \Delta_i^j$ and $ w_i^*(w^j) = \Delta_i^j$. Then apply the map $ V \otimes W \to
\mathbb{R}$ defined by $ v^*_i$ and $ w^*_j$ to this equation to obtain $ a_{ij} = 0$. So we have proved.

Proposition D.3   If $ V $ and $ W$ are finite dimensional vector spaces then

$\displaystyle \dim(V\otimes W) = \dim(V)\dim(W).

We can iterate tensor products. If $ V $ and $ W$ and $ U$ are vector spaces we can form $ (V\otimes W) \otimes U$ and $ V\otimes (W\otimes U)$. These different vector spaces are in fact isomorphic via the map

$\displaystyle (v \otimes w)\otimes u \mapsto v \otimes (w \otimes u).

We use this map to identify these two spaces and ignore the brackets. We write $ V \otimes U \otimes W$ for the triple tensor product. More generally we can form finitely many tensor products.

We also need to know about tensor products of maps. If $ X \colon V \to V'$ is linear and $ Y \colon W \to W'$ is linear then we can define a map

$\displaystyle V \times W \to V'\otimes W'

by $ (v,w) \mapsto X(v)\otimes Y(v)$. This is a bilinear map so factors to a map $ V\otimes W \to V'\otimes W'$ which we denote by $ X \otimes Y$. It is defined by $ (X\otimes Y)(v\otimes w) = X(v)\otimes Y(w).$

We have seen that any bilinear map $ V \times W \to
\mathbb{R}$ gives rise to a linear map $ V \otimes W \to
\mathbb{R}$. It is easy to show that this is an isomorphism. More generally if for any collection of vector spaces $ V_1, \dots, V_k$ we denote by Mult$ (V_1\times \dots\times V_k,
\mathbb{R})$ the space of all multilinear maps from $ V_1 \times \dots V_k \to
\mathbb{R}$ we have

Proposition D.4   If $ V_1, \dots, V_k$ are vectors spaces then there is a natural isomorphism

$\displaystyle Mult(V_1\times\dots\times V_k, \mathbb{R}) \to
(V_1\otimes V_2 \otimes \dots \otimes V_k)^*

defined by

$\displaystyle f \mapsto (v_1\otimes \dots \otimes v_k \mapsto f(v_1, \dots, v_k)).

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Michael Murray