Travel Funding

This event is co-sponsored by the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI). AMSI allocates a travel allowance to each of its member universities (for a list of members, click here). Students or Early Career Researchers from AMSI member universities without access to a suitable research grant or other source of funding may apply to their Head of Mathematical Sciences for subsidy of travel and accommodation out of the departmental travel allowance. For more information, click here. Female participants can apply for a Cheryl E. Praeger Travel Award. No other funding is available.


Participants are asked to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements. Here is a selection of hotels near the campus.

Internet Access

The University of Adelaide provides wireless access for visitors whose home institutions have eduroam. For more information on how to set up eduroam, please click here.

Local Information for Visitors

Some information on Adelaide and what to do here: