IGA/AMSI workshop on Geometric Quantisation (27-31 July 2015)

Geometric quantisation has been an increasingly active area since before the 1980s, with links to physics, symplectic geometry, representation theory, index theory, and differential geometry and geometric analysis in general. In addition to its relevance as a field on its own, it acts as a focal point for the interaction between all of these areas, which has yielded far-reaching and powerful results. This workshop features a large number of international speakers, who are all well-known for their work in (differential) geometry, representation theory and/or geometric analysis. Click here to learn more about the speakers. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in these areas to meet and learn from some of the top mathematicians in the world. Students are especially welcome.


Level 7 Room 7.15 of the Ingkarni Wardli building at the University of Adelaide

Poster (click here for a larger view)

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Workshop Participants

Invited Speakers

Title and Abstract

List of Registered Participants


This workshop is organised by
